Selector Products

Selector Professional

Group comparison of norm data

This page contains graphs and tables of occupational comparison groups for Selector Professional assessment. They allow an interpreter to see whether a candidate falls within the middle 50 percent of responses for a specific occupational group on any scale within Selector Professional. This information is intended for the use of qualified Selector Professional interpreters. If you are not a qualified Selector Professional interpreter please contact Selector for further information on Selector products.

 GraduateNon-graduateCustomer serviceFinanceHuman resourcesManagementSales & marketingSupport
Lower Quartile5928306337373435
Upper Quartile9176789286888378

Technical Note

For each scale in Selector Professional, the raw mean and standard deviation for the occupational group has been calculated, enabling the specification of a distribution. The lower and upper quartiles of this normal distribution were then calculated. The lower and upper quartile for each of the occupational groups is then reported in percentile form using the total Selector Professional distribution (based on the total mean and standard deviation).

Selector products

  1. Selector Professional
  2. Selector Insight
  3. Selector Insight Interview
  4. Selector Fluid
  5. Selector Contact
  6. Selector Stress Reactions
  7. Selector Gateway
  8. Selector CareerStep
  9. SAM
  10. Sample reports